Dealing with Jet Lag

Dr. Dan JensenUncategorized

Dealing with Jet Lag

Every traveler dreads jet lag, and wonders how many days it will take their bodies to adjust to a new time zone. Frequent fliers deal with fatigue, disrupted sleep cycles, and difficulty concentrating on tasks. Jet lag hits hard whenever you travel more than two time zones in a day and the further you travel, the groggier you’ll feel. A … Read More

Facts About Snoring

Dr. Dan JensenSnoring

Facts About Snoring

Snoring can disrupt your sleep and keep your partner awake at night. It’s a harsh sound that disturbs the quiet of the middle of the night, and can lead to fights and arguments at home. Snoring occurs when the tissues in the back of your throat vibrate as you breathe in through your mouth, causing the loud sound we all … Read More

Does Exercising Help You Sleep?

Dr. Dan JensenExcercise

Does Exercising Help You Sleep

Have you tried everything to help you get a good night’s sleep? From avoiding caffeine in the evening to doing some relaxation exercises before bed or installing room darkening blinds, you’ve worked hard at getting enough rest. If you struggle to fall asleep at night, and stay asleep throughout the night, you might want to consider beefing up your workout … Read More

Reasons to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dr. Dan JensenSleep Apnea

Reasons to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is more common than you might think, and roughly 20 million Americans have trouble sleeping due to obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in your throat relax during sleep. Your airway closes, and you wake up repeatedly throughout the night to restart the flow of air. Sleep apnea leads to trouble sleeping, daytime drowsiness, and … Read More

Are Sleep Apnea and Allergies Connected?

Dr. Dan JensenSleep Apnea

Are Sleep Apnea and Allergies Connected

If you have allergies, you know they can keep you up at night, and make you drowsy at work. During spring pollen season, or during a hot and dusty summer, allergies can kick into high gear and make it harder to get a good night’s sleep. You’ll often wake up due to congestion, and feel as if you can’t breathe … Read More

Tips for Battling Insomnia

Dr. Dan JensenInsomnia, Sleep

Tips for Battling Insomnia

Have you been struggling to fall asleep at night, or do you wake up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep? The body needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each and every night, and if you’re consistently sleeping less than 6 hours per night, you have insomnia. Don’t let sleeplessness get the better … Read More

What Happens if You Go Days without Sleep?

Dr. Dan JensenSleep

What Happens if You Go Days without Sleep

Have you ever wondered about the importance of sleep? If you’ve had a few nights of poor sleep you’ll feel exhausted, but you wonder if sleep is really that important. You probably wish you could get away with fewer hours of sleep, and have more time for all your waking activities, but not getting enough sleep has some major consequences. … Read More

Is there a Connection between Sleep and Inflammation?

Dr. Dan JensenOverall Health, Sleep

Is There a Connection Between Sleep and Inflammation

Are you getting enough sleep? To feel well rested, protect your immune system, and enjoy great energy, you need to sleep between 7 to 9 hours every night. There is a clear connection between sleep and inflammation, so if you suffer from any disorder or injury that has caused an inflammation, you will struggle to sleep at night. What is … Read More

Sleep Resolutions for the New Year

Dr. Dan JensenLifestyle

Sleep Resolutions for the New Year

It’s that time of year again, and we’re all making New Year’s resolutions. We want to be healthier and happier in the new year, be less stressed, and enjoy more time with our loved ones. As the year ends, we evaluate ourselves, and think about what we can improve to bring more joy into our lives. One resolution that should … Read More

Sleep Apnea and Heart Health

Dr. Dan JensenOverall Health, Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea and Heart Health

Sleep is a vital part of maintaining good health. If you have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder, you will struggle to recover from an illness or infection, have more difficulty encoding memories, and will suffer from fatigue, stress, and irritability. Sleep apnea is also linked to your heart health. What is Sleep Apnea? If you or a loved one … Read More